EVA BC’s Service Directory
EVA BC has a service directory of programs that provide support to anyone who has experienced sexualized violence including Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS), Stopping the Violence (STV) Counselling, STV Outreach, Multicultural Outreach and Sexual Assault programs. See our Service Directory for more details about services in your region.
New funding was established in 2023 for sexual assault centres in Vancouver, Victoria, Kamloops, Prince George, and Surrey. Read the news release here. The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre is fully operational and 4 more centres are in development.
Information will be updated as more centres open.
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across BC 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It can be accessed by calling or texting 1-800-563-0808 or sending an email to 211-victimlinkbc@uwbc.ca. VictimLinkBC is also teletypewriter (TTY) accessible at 604-875-0885 or dialling 7-1-1.
VictimLinkBC provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence (Government of British Columbia, 2023).
Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) Crisis Line
The IRSSS operates the 24-hour Lamathut Crisis Line – the first Indigenous gender-based violence crisis line in BC. The IRSSS Crisis Line team has cultural safety training and awareness of the traumas of Indian Residential Schools and other determinants of First Nations’ health. Call 1-800-721-0066 (IRSSS, 2023).
Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre
Salal has a 24-hour crisis and information line for women, trans, nonbinary, Two-Spirit and gender diverse survivors. Call 1-877-392-7583 or 604-255-6344.
Salal Connect provides survivors with emotional support and referrals to community services via text and online chat support Monday-Friday 9am-1am, Saturdays 9am-5pm, and Sundays 9am-11pm. Go to https://www.salalsvsc.ca/connect-chat/ for online support or text 604-245-2425.