Find a Service
Find information about programs across BC served by EVA BC that provide support to anyone experiencing gender-based violence. The programs listed in the directory below include Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS), Stopping the Violence Counselling (STVC), STV Outreach (STV ORS), Multicultural Outreach Services (MORS) and Sexual Assault Services (SAS) programs.
For a current directory of transition houses, second and third stage housing and safe homes in British Columbia, visit BC Housing. You can also find more options and services through the BC Society of Transition Houses.
If you are with an organization missing from this directory, or you see information in the directory that is not up-to-date, please contact us.

You can also find confidential support across BC and Yukon and help with safety planning and services in your community in over 150+ languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at VictimLinkBC by phone or text at 1-800-563-0808, or by email toÂ
If you or anyone is in immediate danger, you can call 911 and say you need the police or paramedics.
Region # 10 - North Central
Phone No:
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Region # 4 - Fraser Valley
Phone No:
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Region # 4 - Fraser Valley
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Region # 6 - Okanagan
Phone No:
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Region # 8 - West Kootenay
Phone No:
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Region # 3 - Lower Mainland
Phone No:
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Region # 3 - Lower Mainland
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Region # 3 - Lower Mainland
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Region # 3 - Lower Mainland
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Region # 9 - North West
Bella Coola
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