Our commitment to reconciliation
We stand for Truth and Reconciliation and commit to addressing the Calls to Action made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. We support and advocate for the Calls for Justice from the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
From ReachOut newsletter June 2024
Calls to Action
Reflect and Connect on June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day
National Indigenous Peoples Day coincides with the summer solstice, a date which has been celebrated by many Indigenous groups and communities for generations.
For non-Indigenous people, June 21 is an opportunity to reflect on their relationship with Indigenous peoples and their individual paths towards reconciliation.
Reconciliation includes supporting the revitalization of Indigenous cultures and learning about the diversity, achievements, and resilience of Indigenous peoples.
We encourage you to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day by attending a local event, listening to Indigenous music, reading Indigenous books, watching Indigenous movies, or creating your own ReconciliACTION plan. Look for options in your community — Celebrate Canada (select National Indigenous Peoples Day from the event drop down menu and click the Apply filters button then sort by province to find British Columbia events).
Calls for Justice
Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan Upholds the Calls for Justice
On April 8, the BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) released the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan: Final Draft (IWJP) at the 3rd Annual First Nations Justice Forum. The IWJP outlines concrete steps to create systemic change to end the ongoing genocide of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.
The BCFNJC will begin engagement and planning with federal and provincial government partners once they incorporate Justice Forum participant insights into the IWJP.
To mark the fifth anniversary of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Final Report, the Assembly of First Nations released a progress report on June 3 that evaluates the implementation of the Calls for Justice (CFJ). Only two of the 231 calls of the CFJ have been fully completed; the majority have had limited or no progress. Read the Progress on Breathing Life into the Calls for Justice report for the current status of all the CFJ.
Read the BCFNJC full story.
On June 3, the Province of BC released a 2024 status update of A Path Forward: Priorities and Early Strategies for B.C. The Path Forward report highlights the BC government’s progress on addressing the systemic causes of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQIA+ people and implementing the Calls for Justice. Key government actions include new community funding for Indigenous-led solutions to gender-based violence, anti-racism legislation (Bill 23 that proposes the Anti-Racism Act, — tabled in April), and Safe and Supported: BC’s Gender-Based Violence Action Plan.