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Anti-Violence Worker Support

Communities of Practice

The Communities of Practice (CoPs) are forums for programs to share information and resources, to identify and discuss shared concerns and issues, to celebrate successes, to ask questions and find answers, to network, and to engage in discussion on work-related issues. Get more information in our Community of Practice Q&A.

EVA BC has six Communities of Practice for programs and coordination initiatives under our provincial umbrella:

Program Support Communities of Practice

Coordination (CCSS) Communities of Practice

  • Stopping the Violence Counselling (STVC) programs
  • Outreach Services (ORS) — includes Stopping the Violence Outreach Services (STV ORS) and Multicultural Outreach Services (MORS) programs
  • Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS) programs
  • Sexual Assault Service (SAS) programs
  • Community Coordination
  • Interagency Case Assessment Teams (ICATs)

To join any of the Program Support Communities of Practice, you must be a frontline staff carrying a caseload in a Stopping the Violence Counselling (STVC), Stopping the Violence Outreach (STV ORS) or Multicultural Outreach (MORS), Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS), or Sexual Assault Services (SAS) program funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG), and your organization must be a current EVA BC core member. Please note that executive directors must also be carrying a caseload to join any of the Program Support Communities of Practice.

If you are eligible and are not yet a member of a program support Community of Practice, email

If you are involved in coordination in your community and would like to join a Coordination (CCSS) Community of Practice, email
Program Support Slack Workspace

If you are a member of a program support CoP, you are eligible to join the EVA BC program support Slack workspace. A Slack workspace is an online communication platform shared by a group (or organization) where people exchange messages and files and work together.

Please read the Program Support Community-of-Practice Slack workspace guidelines and agreement and then complete the form below. We will do our best to respond to your signup within one week, but processing times may vary.

I have read and agree with the guidelines and agreement outlined in the Program Support Community of Practice Slack Workspace User Guidelines and Agreement above. *
Name *
Please provide your first and last name.
Agency name *
Please give the name of the organization you are with.
Job Title(s) *
What position(s) do you hold?
Work email *
Please enter the work email you'd like to use for the COP Slack workspace.
Please select the program(s) you work for *

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