EVA BC attends provincial budget lockup

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EVA BC’s executive director, Ninu Kang, attended the provincial government’s budget lockup in Victoria on Thursday, February 22 and was pleased to connect with key leaders and advocates in the social services sector who were reviewing the budget and reporting back to the community.

Most agreed that the budget did not provide any new money to support gender-based violence survivors or address service pressures of the community-based victim/survivor support programs. However, the initiatives identified in British Columbia’s Gender-Based Violence Action Plan will move forward with the transfer payment agreement on the implementation of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence that will contribute $62 million in federal funding over four years to support ongoing work. Kang noted, “we know we are living through economic hard times, so it was good to hear the minister pledge that it was the right time to support people and not cut services.”

Finance Minister Katrine Conroy is on record saying they wouldn’t make any cuts to services in this budget and that they would rather deal with a deficit because “we cannot afford to have a deficit of services.”

EVA BC was also pleased to hear the recent announcement of additional funding for legal aid that will make it easier for survivors to find legal support to navigate the family justice system.

EVA BC will continue to work with the provincial Gender Equity Office (GEO) and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG), serving on the Advisory Committee for British Columbia’s Gender-Based Violence Action Plan to move forward key initiatives identified in that plan.

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