Need help?
Are you experiencing gender-based violence? Gender-based violence can take many forms, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, harassment, and hate. If you are experiencing gender-based violence it is never your fault. There are support services across BC that can help.
You can find programs EVA BC serves that offer support and assistance with health appointments and contacting police through Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS), Stopping the Violence (STV) counselling, Multicultural Outreach and sexual violence response programs in our service directory through the button below.

VictimLinkBC can also provide confidential support and information in over 150+ languages, help you with safety planning and guide you to find services and support in your community. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week across BC and Yukon by phone or text at 1-800-563-0808 or email
If you or anyone is in immediate danger call 911 and ask for the police or paramedics.
If you are looking for transitional housing you can find a list of options here and additional programs and supports through the BC Society of Transition Houses.