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Anti-Violence Worker Support

Programs We Serve

Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS) programs

There are 66 Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS) programs in BC funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG). These community-based programs were established in the late 1980s and provide crucial emotional support, information, referrals, justice system support, and liaison services for survivors of sexual assault, violence in relationships, and violence against children and youth. These programs also work to ensure a coordinated community response. Some specialized programs provide support to survivors of violence with specific needs, such as adult male survivors and survivors from Indigenous and multicultural communities.

Stopping the Violence Counselling (STVC) programs

There are 91 Stopping the Violence (STV) counselling programs in BC, funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG). These programs provide essential counselling and support including information, referrals, and in some cases, system liaison services for women who have experienced sexual assault, violence in relationships, and/or childhood abuse.

Stopping the Violence (STV) Outreach (ORS) and Multicultural Outreach (MORS) programs

There are 53 Stopping the Violence (STV) Outreach (ORS) and 11 Multicultural Outreach (MORS) programs in BC – collectively referred to as Outreach services (ORS), funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG) These programs respond to the needs of adult women and their dependent children who have experienced or are at risk of violence. Programs support women to identify and access the services they need. They provide counselling, referral to other community services, and assistance with systems such as child protection and family court. They also work to ensure a coordinated community response. These programs raise awareness with community education about the effect of violence against women and the services needed to address it. As needed, they also provide local transportation, accompaniment, and advocacy.


Sexual Assault Services (SAS) programs

Sexual assault centres were established in BC throughout the 1970s to provide crisis intervention, hospital and police accompaniment, counselling, and advocacy for women and girls dealing with sexual assault and historical child sexual abuse. While funding was cut to 23 centres in 2003, many of these programs continued through CBVS funding and other fund-raised resources.

In March 2022, the government of BC announced permanent funding for sexual violence programs to begin in 2023. 

There are now 68 sexual assault services programs operating across the province delivering coordinated community-based services, funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG).

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