PROJECT UPDATE: Restorative justice and gender-based violence in BC: Revisiting the conversation

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In 2020, Justice Canada contracted the Ending Violence Association of BC and Just Outcomes Inc. to undertake the project Restorative Justice and Gender-Based Violence in BC: Revisiting the Conversation. The project involved the development of a discussion paper, a four-part virtual dialogue with 25 participants from the gender-based violence and restorative justice communities, and Indigenous and immigrant leaders, and a summary report. The discussion paper and summary report are now available through the Victims of Crime Research Digest No. 14, published by Justice Canada in November 2021. (You can also download the PDF here).

“Restorative Justice and Gender-Based Violence: A Look at the Literature” (Summary by Jane Evans)

This article presents excerpts, selected by the Department of Justice Canada, of a discussion paper shared with participants in advance of facilitated dialogue sessions on restorative justice and gender-based violence. The Ending Violence Association of BC and Just Outcomes hosted these dialogue sessions in 2020.

“Restorative Justice and Gender-Based Violence: Revisiting the Conversation in British Columbia” (by Ending Violence Association of BC and Just Outcomes)

This paper describes the methodology and key themes of dialogue sessions on restorative justice and gender-based violence, hosted by the Ending Violence Association of BC and Just Outcomes in 2020, along with some learnings and observations intended to inform future initiatives of this kind and continued conversations in service of victims/survivors.

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