EVA BC affiliate membership application

Thank you for your interest in joining EVA BC as an affiliate member. Membership is renewed annually. Our fiscal year is April 1 to March 31. Affiliate membership is $150.

As per EVA BC’s bylaws, affiliate members are those organizations that provide support services to survivors of gender-based violence, but that do not meet the criteria for core membership. Affiliate members do not have a right to vote or stand for election as directors; however, they have the right to attend EVA BC’s general meetings. See a full list of affiliate membership benefits on this page.  

Your application will be presented to our board of directors for their consideration. We will notify you with their decision.

Before you complete your EVA BC membership application, please select your preferred method of payment below. If for any reason your membership is not approved, we will send you a refund. If you have questions about payment, please email us at finance@endingviolence.org.

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