CCSS team takes trainings to North Coast 

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This July our Community Coordination for Survivor Safety (CCSS) team was in Prince Rupert to facilitate two all-day training sessions. And yes, this is the same team formerly called Community Coordination for Women’s Safety (CCWS) but we’ve changed the name to better reflect the gender diversity of survivors.

The first day was an Interagency Case Assessment Team (ICAT) training session, and a great opportunity to strengthen the existing ICAT team and build knowledge about the best practices of the ICAT process across the region. The training was intended for agencies directly involved in ICATs as well as those agencies that would be referring to the ICAT.  The training provided information on intimate partner violence risk factors,  membership, and the case review process. 

The second day was a Third Party Reporting (TPR) training session. This was open to frontline service providers and managers from victim services, counselling and outreach programs, police, and others interested in learning about Third Party Reporting as an option for survivors of sexual assault. The goal of this training is to increase sexual assault survivors’ access to support and reporting options.  

Attendees for both the sessions came from North Coast Transition Society and North Coast Community Services, with workers from community based victim services (CBVS), sexual assault services (SAS) Stopping the Violence Counselling (STVC) and STV Outreach (ORS) programs; as well as police-based victim services, RCMP, Health, Community Corrections, Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR), and Nisga’a Lisims Government from the communities of Bella Bella, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Terrace.

If your community could benefit from ICAT, TPR or any community coordination training listed here, contact our community coordination for survivor safety team at

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